
Serviciul Vamal raportează încasări de peste 708,0 milioane de lei în perioada 15-21 iulie 2024

În perioada 15-21 iulie 2024, încasările Serviciului Vamal la bugetul de stat se ridică la peste 708,0 milioane de lei, iar de la începutul anului curent, Serviciul Vamal a colectat la bugetul de stat circa 19,9 miliarde lei, ceea ce constituie îndeplinirea cifrei de control la 108,6 %.

Totodată, în perioada 15-21 iulie 2024, de către persoane fizice au fost introduse bunuri a căror valoare în vamă depășește limita neimpozabilă, fiind încasate plăți în valoare de peste 19,3 milioane lei, ceea ce reprezintă 2,7 % din totalul sumei încasate pentru perioada respectivă.

De asemenea, pe parcursul săptămânii trecute, au fost perfectate 11516 de declarații vamale, iar fluxul mijloacelor de transport a constituit 82677 de traversări. Cele mai tranzitate posturi vamale rămân a fi Leușeni și Sculeni, cu 20210 și, respectiv, 15095 traversări.


Banii colectați de la contribuabili sunt vărsați direct în bugetul de stat și redistribuiți pentru salarii, dezvoltarea infrastructurii, proiecte sociale ș.a. 


Raportul zilnic privind situația la posturile vamale de frontieră, noutăți, depistări, evenimente și alte informații ce țin de activitatea vamală, pot fi consultate pe canalul Telegram al Serviciului Vamal al Republicii Moldova:


Serviciul Vamal al Republicii Moldova


The date of publishing:

25 July /2024 08:00

Catalogul tematic

Noutăți fiscale | Taxe vamale


buget de stat | incasari | procesul de raportare


Europe Chemicals

26 July /2024 23:55

Gold potassium cyanide solutions | Potassium cyanide crystalline solid Potassium cyanide solution for sale is an exceptionally dangerous chemical compound manufactured by Europe Chemicals Pharmaceutical Laboratory that must be handled with the utmost caution. This crystalline solid or white granular powder releases highly toxic hydrogen cyanide gas, which can rapidly lead to asphyxiation and death upon exposure. The gas interferes with the body’s ability to utilize oxygen, causing widespread systemic effects that primarily impact the central nervous system, cardiovascular system, and lungs. Exposure to even small amounts of potassium cyanide can be fatal, as the poison quickly disrupts cellular respiration and oxygen transport throughout the body. Despite its lethal nature, potassium cyanide solution for sale crystalline solid has a variety of commercial applications, including use in fumigation, electroplating, and the extraction of precious metals like gold and silver from ore. It is prized by jewelry makers and metalworkers for its exceptional chemical gilding and buffing properties, with customers often becoming “addicted” to the high quality and performance of the product. However, this desirable functionality comes at an immense cost, as the hydrogen cyanide gas released by potassium cyanide solution for sale crystalline solid has a distinctive bitter almond odor that many people cannot even detect. This lack of a clear warning sign means that dangerous concentrations of the gas can build up without being noticed, putting workers and the surrounding environment at grave risk. Potassium cyanide’s solution for sale crystalline solid hygroscopic nature, readily absorbing moisture from the air, only compounds the hazards it presents. Suppliers must take extreme precautions when storing and shipping this deadly substance, which is typically sent as a crystalline solid or white granular powder. Regardless of the form, potassium cyanide is an exceptionally dangerous chemical that demands the highest levels of care, safety protocols, and responsible handling to prevent accidental exposure and tragic consequences. Europe Chemicals Pharmaceutical Laboratory Customers are assured that this product is of the utmost quality and purity, but the severe risks it poses mean that any use or possession should be undertaken only with the greatest caution and full understanding of its lethal potential. Europe Chemicals Pharmaceutical Laboratory are reliable manufacturers and suppliers of potassium cyanide solution, We sell 99.8% pure KCN (Potassium Cyanide) known for its high efficiency. We now have unlimited stock best grade Potassium Cyanide currently available at the best price online. We base all our power and expertise on all our product so it will definitely meet and surpass every buyers highest expectations.

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